marți, 17 martie 2009

Terje Håkonsen- legenda vie

“The man... Who does a thirty-foot-plus air when they’re already a legend of snowboarding?” -Leanne Pelosi
Adaug ca a fixat acest record la 33 de ani, in 2007, fiind astfel unul dintre cei mai buni rideri in materie de half-pipe.

Avandu-l pe Craig Kelly ca mentor, norvegianul a castigat numeroase titluri: ISF World Championships la half-pipe de 3 ori la rand, in 1993, 1995 si 1997. A castigat 5 campionate Europene, deasemenea la half-pipe (1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997), U.S. Open de 3 ori (1992, 1993, 1995), si Mt. Baker Banked Slalom de 6 ori (1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2004)si a castigat la Innsbruck Air & Style Contest in 1995.
A devenit o legenda cu timpul si a inventat Haakoon Flip-ul.

Are o parte importanta in filmul " First Descendent" alturi de alti rideri cunoscuti ca Shaun White, Hannah Teter si Travis Rice si este sponsorizat Burton, Swatch si Oakley. Deasemenea are 3 documentare cu el in "rolul principal": "The Hakonsen Factor", "Subjekt Hakonsen", "Terjes Sesongkort"(Terje's Season Pass)

"Terje to me,before I met him, was the biggest thing in snowboarding. I thought of him—and still do—as the best snowboarder ever, so getting to meet him was just insane for me. He was the person I had always looked up to and watched in videos. I never really imagined meeting him"- Kevin Pearce

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